Leather Care: The Right Way to Clean and Protect

You have a leather jacket that’s been in your closet for years, but it still looks brand shiny and new. You could just throw it on and keep it just like that, but we know better! We’ve put together some care instructions for the many types of leather items you might own.

What is the Right Way to Clean and Protect Leather?

Leather needs to be cleaned and protected because it is a natural material that will age over time. When cleaning, make sure to use a non-abrasive cleaner and spray it on gently. When protecting your leather, make sure the product you are using does not contain any harsh chemicals or abrasives.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Leather Care

You may think that leather is tough and durable, and you may not need to worry about cleaning it. Not true! Leather needs to be cared for like any other material in your home. Keep in mind that when it comes to cleaning, there are some things that can harm the leather. Those include:

– Hot water and harsh cleaning chemicals

– Air drying or leaving leather items in direct sunlight for a long period of time.

– Scratching with sharp objects

– Using abrasive cleaners

– Scrubbing leather with sandpaper.

Even some cleaners are not safe for leather. The list of harmful substances that should be avoided is long, including bleach, ammonia, degreasers, sandpaper, and any type of wax.

Most manufacturers recommend using a leather cleaner with a neutral pH. The pH on the label should be 7-9 on the acidic side and 10-12 on the alkaline side.

With leather, it is best to avoid using any chemicals whatsoever. If you use a chemical cleaner, only use the type that is made specifically for leather, and do not use it repeatedly to clean the same area.

If you allow the cleaner to dry on the leather too long, the top layer of leather can be dissolved and if this happens, your leather will need to be refinished.

Some of these products can also cause allergic reactions in some individuals, which can be very dangerous.

Step By Step Process Of Leather Care

Cleaning and protecting your leather is a process that can take a little time, but the old adage of “you make it or you break it” applies. Below, we’ll walk you through each step of the process and how to apply it.

  1. Cleaning Your Leather First, do a critical cleaning of your leather. If you can’t get the dirt out at all, then you’ll need to look into the use of a cleaner, which is designed for specific leathers. Do be careful with cleaners as they can create problems if not used properly. For example, if you use a cleaner that is too strong and you leave it on the leather for too long, it could cause your leather to crack.
  2. Now you need to condition the leather. This will ensure that your leather is ready for the finishing process, so do it right. There are so many different leather conditioners out there, so pick the one that you like best. We recommend using water-based products because they are easier to clean and dry properly, but be careful that you don’t use too much of the conditioner.
  3. You need to let the leather dry after the conditioning process. A good way to do this is by laying a large piece of paper on top of your leather and letting it dry.
  4. You can now apply the leather finishing products to your leather. These products will add the final touch to the surface of your leather, making it look really good. Here are a few products that you can apply to your leather, but be sure to read the product’s instructions before applying it.

Natural Moisturizers for Leather

Protecting your leather is not difficult, but you can make it easier by applying a natural moisturizer to the surface of the leather. The natural moisturizer will help to maintain the leather’s appearance. It also protects against moisture absorption into the leather which can lead to cracking, fading, and discoloration.


A lot of people think they know how to clean and protect leather, but there are some serious mistakes that can be made. Leather is a delicate material that needs more than just your regular cleaner.

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