Five Things You Should Know About Buying Genuine Leather

Buying quality leather is not always easy, and in the event that you buy something and it turns out to be fake, you can’t take it back. It’s important to know how to identify genuine leather before you start shopping so that when it comes time to purchase your next accessory or handbag, all your bases are covered.

What is Genuine Leather?

Genuine leather is animal skin that has been tanned. It has a surface layer of wax or oil, which gives it that armor-like texture. The price of genuine leather depends on the type of animal skin and where it was manufactured.

How to know if you’re actually buying genuine leather?

  1. You should be able to tell the difference between genuine and fake leather by looking at the details such as the type of stitching, quality of craftsmanship, and durability. If you’re shopping online then you should check the reviews and authenticity certificates.
  2. If you’re buying leather bags, purses, boots or jackets then feel the material between your fingers. Real leather is soft and smooth while faux leather feels rough and stiff.
  3. You can also check for the price tag – authentic leather goods come with a designer’s tag. If the price is too good to be true, it’s probably because the bag is fake leather.
  4. Real leather is also more durable and long-lasting. Real leather should not be too heavy and it should smell like leather.
  5. If you are looking at a leather jacket, bag, or furniture, the most foolproof way to determine if it is genuine or not is to check for tanning stamps. These stamps will show that the product was made with quality in mind and contains no traces of toxic substances.


Buying genuine leather is a wise investment. It has many benefits and will last you for years to come.

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